Browse Items (222 total)

Stout photos 00022.tif
A photograph of a dozen men around a table, with glasses raised. The men's clothing and hairstyles appear to be from the 1920s or early 1930s. This is likely during Prohibition, or perhaps celebrating the end of Prohibition.

1882-1883 directory.pdf
The 1883 city directory for Battle Creek, Marshall, and Albion, "including the villages of Athens, Augusta, Bedford, Bellevue, Burlington, Ceresco, Climax and Homer" and "containing an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private…

1923-1924 cd.pdf
The 1923-1924 directory for Albion, Marshall, and surrounding areas. "Containing an alphabetically arranged list of adult citizens, business firms, etc., in the cities of Albion and Marshall separately classified, a miscellaneous directory of the…

1894-1895 city directory.pdf
The 1894-1895 city directories for Albion and Marshall, Michigan. Includes a map and history of each city, as well as illustrations and photographs of prominent buildings. Also includes a directory of the students of Albion College.

This item was…

1897-1898 county directory.pdf
The 1897-1898 county directories for Calhoun County, Michigan. "Comprising an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens - a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits - a farmers' directory of Calhoun County…

John Ercanbrach credentials.pdf
Testimony by Enoch George, bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, that John Ercanbach was a qualified church elder.

John Harris credentials.pdf
Testimony by Samuel Gebbs and Justus Hall, clerk and Moderator of Ordination Council, that John Harris was ordained.

Rev Benjamin Sabin credentials.pdf
Testimony by William McKendree, bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, that Benjamin Sabin was a qualified church elder.

Rev Elijah Crane credentials.pdf
Testimony by Enoch George, bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, that Elijah Crane was a church deacon.

Rev John Southworth credentials.pdf
Testimony by Horace Griswold, moderator, that Rev. John Southworth was ordained.


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