Society of the Seventh Day Adventists of Battle Creek Articles of Incorporation

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Society of the Seventh Day Adventists of Battle Creek Articles of Incorporation


Articles of incorporation
Calhoun County (Mich.)--History
Seventh-Day Adventists--Michigan--Battle Creek--History--19th century
Kellogg, John Preston, 1806-1881


The 1862 articles of incorporation for the Society of the Seventh Day Adventists of Battle Creek, Michigan. This Protestant Christian denomination was founded in Battle Creek. It now claims over 86,500 churches and 21 million practitioners.




Kellogg, John Preston, 1806-1881
Amadon, George W
Smith, Uriah
Byington, John F
Cornell, Myron J
Mosher, Levi
Hall, William
Smith, Cyrenus
Hewitt, David


In the public domain.










Battle Creek (Mich.)
Calhoun County (Mich.)

Text Item Type Metadata


In pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Michigan entitled An act concerning Churches or religious Societies establishing uniform rules for the acquisition tenor [sic] control and disposition of the property conveyed or dedicated for religious purposes and to repeal chapter 52 of the revised Statutes, approved February 13th 1855.

We the undersigned being desirous of forming ourselves into a religious Society do hereby agree to be bound by the following articles of association.
Articles of Association of the Society of the Seventh day Adventists of Battle Creek Mich.

Art 1st This Society shall be called the Society of the Seventh day Adventists of Battle Creek Mich

Art 2 This society shall be located in the City of Battle Creek in the State of Michigan.

Art 3 The object of this society shall be to legally hold the house of worship and land thereto and manage the temporal affairs of the Church of the Seventh day Adventists of Battle Creek and it shall not hold any other property except grants as hereinafter provided, nor transact other business aside from the temporalities of the Church.

Art 4 The officers of this society shall ____ of three Trustees a Clerk and Treasurer to be appointed by ____ of their members. The Trustees shall be elected for three years except these first elected who shall be divided into three classes and shall hold their offices for one two and three years respectively, one being elected each year to fill the vacancy of the one passing from office.

Art 5 At least fifteen days notice shall be given to the congregation of the time when and the place where any election shall be held and in case of vacancy by deaths or any other cause a special election may be held by notice thereof being given as aforesaid.

Art 6 All property that may be given granted conveyed or devised to this society whether personal or real estate except the house of worship as before provided shall be sold by the Trustees and the proceeds thereof applied to the religious and benevolent purposes of the Society.

Art 7 This Society may erect alter or improve a church building by a vote of two thirds of its members and dispose of the building and erect an other as the wants of the congregation may require.

Art 8 After the first elect such persons shall be entitled to vote or shall have subscribed to these articles at least six months before the annual election and shall have been stated worshipers with this Society at their house of worship for the same period of six months and shall have contributed to the support of the Society.

Geo W Amadon
John F Byington
Uriah Smith
S___ B____
Myron J Cornell
Jo_ah R S___
William Hall
David Hewitt
John P Kellogg
James C_____
Cyrenus Smith

Recorded May 2 1862
Levi Mosher County Clerk

Original Format
