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Gognack Cemetery Company of Battle Creek Articles of Incorporation
Cemeteries--Michigan--Calhoun County
The 1854 articles of incorporation for the Gognack Cemetery Company, located in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Hussey, Erastus
Stillson, Eli L.
Cummings, A. V.
Anders, Henry
Young, David
Steward, Levi
In the public domain.
Battle Creek (Mich.)
Calhoun County (Mich.)
Text Item Type Metadata
Gognack Cemetery Company
Certificate of Organization
State of Michigan
Calhoun County
I do hereby certify that pursuant to a warrant issued by Eli L. Stillson a Justice of the Peace in and for said county of Calhoun and to notice duly pasted a meeting of the joint owners of the land herein after described was conveyed at the School House on Gognack Prarie [sic] in the Township of Battle Creek in said county on the 13th day of May 1854 at _ oclock in the afternoon and a corporation was then and there duly organized under the name style and description of the Gognack Cemetery Company and the following officers were duly chosen __:
A V Cummings as President of said corporation
Henry Anders “ Clerk “ “ “
David Young “ _______ “ “ “
Milton K. Gregory “ Treasurer “ “ “
Levi Steward “ Sexton “ “ “
And I do further the ground belonging to said above named corporation is described as follows, to ___ “all that certain piece of land situate in the Township of Battle Creek in the county of Calhoun & State of Michigan & being part of section fifteen in Township two South of Range Eight West bounded as follows, to ___ beginning on the South side of the Highway at a point where the West line of the East half of the North West quarter of said Section Fifteen intersects with the said South line of the highway. And running thence South on the North & South half ____line of said Section, Eight rods thence East parallel with the said South line of the highway. Fourteen rods, thence North at right angles with said last mentioned line, Eight rods to said South line of said highway, Thence west on said last mentioned line fourteen rods to the place of beginning.
In testimony whereof we the said Henry Anders clerk of said Corporation and A V Cummings President thereof have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals at Battle Creek in said county and State this twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
Signed & delivered
A V Cummings
Henry Anders
In presence of
Eli L Stillson
State of Michigan
Calhoun County
On this twelfth day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty four personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for said county the above named A V Cummings President of the Gognack Cemetery Company and Henry Anders clerk of the said Cemetery Company known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and severally acknowledged to me that as the Officers of said company they executed the said instrument as their free act and deed.
Eli L Stillson Justice of the Peace
Recorded November 17, 1854
Erastus Hussey
County Clerk
Certificate of Organization
State of Michigan
Calhoun County
I do hereby certify that pursuant to a warrant issued by Eli L. Stillson a Justice of the Peace in and for said county of Calhoun and to notice duly pasted a meeting of the joint owners of the land herein after described was conveyed at the School House on Gognack Prarie [sic] in the Township of Battle Creek in said county on the 13th day of May 1854 at _ oclock in the afternoon and a corporation was then and there duly organized under the name style and description of the Gognack Cemetery Company and the following officers were duly chosen __:
A V Cummings as President of said corporation
Henry Anders “ Clerk “ “ “
David Young “ _______ “ “ “
Milton K. Gregory “ Treasurer “ “ “
Levi Steward “ Sexton “ “ “
And I do further the ground belonging to said above named corporation is described as follows, to ___ “all that certain piece of land situate in the Township of Battle Creek in the county of Calhoun & State of Michigan & being part of section fifteen in Township two South of Range Eight West bounded as follows, to ___ beginning on the South side of the Highway at a point where the West line of the East half of the North West quarter of said Section Fifteen intersects with the said South line of the highway. And running thence South on the North & South half ____line of said Section, Eight rods thence East parallel with the said South line of the highway. Fourteen rods, thence North at right angles with said last mentioned line, Eight rods to said South line of said highway, Thence west on said last mentioned line fourteen rods to the place of beginning.
In testimony whereof we the said Henry Anders clerk of said Corporation and A V Cummings President thereof have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals at Battle Creek in said county and State this twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
Signed & delivered
A V Cummings
Henry Anders
In presence of
Eli L Stillson
State of Michigan
Calhoun County
On this twelfth day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty four personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for said county the above named A V Cummings President of the Gognack Cemetery Company and Henry Anders clerk of the said Cemetery Company known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and severally acknowledged to me that as the Officers of said company they executed the said instrument as their free act and deed.
Eli L Stillson Justice of the Peace
Recorded November 17, 1854
Erastus Hussey
County Clerk
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