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First Baptist Church and Society of Athens Articles of Incorporation
Articles of incorporation
Calhoun County (Mich.)--History
Baptist Church--Michigan--History--19th century
The 1861 articles of incorporation for the First Baptist Church and Society of Athens, Michigan.
Rundel, S J
Richardson, Henry
Leighton, Israel
Benher, Warren
Willard, David N
Fester, James
Mosher, Levi
In the public domain.
Athens (Mich.)
Calhoun County (Mich.)
Text Item Type Metadata
We the undersigned inspectors of the election held by this first Baptist church and Society of Athens held pursuant to public notice according to law at the dwelling home of S[J?] Rundel[?] in Athens Calhoun County Mich February 4th 1861 do hereby certify that SJ[?] Rundel & Henry Richardson were elected as trustees of said church and society for the term of three years also that Israel Leighton and Warren Benher[?] were elected as trustees for the term of two years also that David N Willard and James Fester[?] were elected as trustees for the term of one year and also that the name in which the said trustees shall be the board of trustees of the first Baptist church and society of Athens also that they shall have all the power specified in law and that they were elected in the manner provided in the same.
Given under our hands and seals this fourth day of February 1861
SJ Rundel
Warren N Biroker[?]
State of Michigan
County of Calhoun
On this fourth day of February 1861 personally came before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for said county SJ Rundel and Warren Biroker[?] known to me to be the persons who made the within certificate and acknowledged the same to be their free act & deed.
Jehial[?] Miner Justice of the Peace
Recorded February
6th 1861
Levi Mosher
County Clerk
Given under our hands and seals this fourth day of February 1861
SJ Rundel
Warren N Biroker[?]
State of Michigan
County of Calhoun
On this fourth day of February 1861 personally came before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for said county SJ Rundel and Warren Biroker[?] known to me to be the persons who made the within certificate and acknowledged the same to be their free act & deed.
Jehial[?] Miner Justice of the Peace
Recorded February
6th 1861
Levi Mosher
County Clerk
Original Format