Browse Items (222 total)

Isaac Firter credentials.pdf
Testimony by Perry Chappel that Isaac Firter was an ordained elder in the Methodist Protestant Church.

1869-70 History and Directory of Calhoun County.pdf
The 1869-70 directory for Calhoun County. It contains: "complete alphabetical and classified lists of all professions, trades and pursuits, state, county and city officers, churches, societies, and full information in regard to the manufacturing and…


Gognack Cemetery Company.pdf
The 1854 articles of incorporation for the Gognack Cemetery Company, located in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Freewill Baptist Society of Cooks Prairie.pdf
The 1849 articles of incorporation for the Freewill Baptist Society of Cooks Prairie, Clarendon Township.

First Universalist_BC.pdf
The 1852 articles of incorporation for the First Universalist Society of Battle Creek, Michigan

First Universalist Society in BC p1.pdf
The 1843 articles of incorporation for the First Universalist Society in Battle Creek, Michigan.

First Universal Restoration Society of Convis.pdf
The 1845 appointment of trustees for the First Universal Restoration Society of Convis, Pennfield & Emmet.

First Society of the M.E. Church Clarendon.pdf
The 1848 articles of incorporation for the First Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Clarendon, Michigan.

Methodist Episcopal_Marshall.pdf
The 1837 articles of incorporation for the First Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Marshall, Michigan.

Methodist Episcopal_Homer.pdf
The 1854 articles of incorporation for the First Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Homer, Michigan.
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